I find that scultpture satisfies my inner need to work with my hands, but keeps my mind design focused. To combine these two arts I decided to study food through sculpture. My goal was to ask the viewer to challenge their views of food and the way we consume it.
This piece is titled Whole
It is sculpted out of Lard and Powdered sugar. I hope the viewer questions their reality when they observe the ice cream not melting, and ponders the reasoning for a useless spoon.

After working with flexable packaging, I found that I wanted to explore the idea of what the packaging could do besides tell the viewer what we wanted them to know. In this piece I decided that I wanted to fool the viewer into possibly consuming a product they know is not edible. I accomplished this by creating a package they were familair with (A vending machine chip bag) and alluded to the product inside. I then invited a viewer to open and consume the package.

Inside the bag are "Chip" like shapes I made out of shaved wood pieces that were stained and finished. I then marinated the wooden chips with a popular potato chip for two weeks, shaking them every day. The result was a wooden chi[p covered in salt and grease. The texture surprised the viewers to the point that one participant tried to eat one.


An exploration of food through sculpture
